My little ladies have some major heads of hair (special thanks to my mother). And while my oldest is quite the tomboy, she still just loves her long hair and absolutely refuses part ways with it--making detangling and styling "such" a joy! My little one, is a girly girl through and through and loves her spunky little bob. Regardless of their styles, they both love having their hair dolled up a bit and off of their faces and quite frankly, so does mom. Here's the kicker though, I'm always hard pressed to find head bands that don't bother the backs of their ears and stay in place or barrettes that actually hold their hair back all while still being cute. Enter Remington. When I tell you it's somewhat miraculous when all three of us agree on both a style and comfort level, I'm certainly not lying! Big stuff felt comfy as can be and absolutely loved the feel and design of her headband..didn't hurt that it was her favorite color as well. And little miss, well as I'm sure you can tell by the pictures, she felt footloose and fancy free in her polka dot barrettes. No fidgeting, hair in the face, or messy manes equals a very very happy mom and smiles all the way around!
To see more of Beth and her adorable girls, visit her blog Seersucker + Saddles!